Monday, April 20, 2009

Penile enlargement - a phallus side of life

When men are not thinking about money, they are thinking of sex. If a man was to be asked what is one thing that could improve his sex life or image- the most common answer across all cultures and races is – a bigger penis. And this is not accidental. Everyday, there are hundreds of come-on ads offering a larger penis. Such ads are commonly found on billboards, cyberspace, newspapers and magazines.

Everything under the sun has at one time been claimed to increase size of the penis. Drugs, herbs, lotions, potions, spices, pills, solutions and surgery are increasingly advertised to increase penile size. The sellers of such services make it sound that having a big penis is the magic pill and a panacea to all of man’s troubles.

The question asked since mankind evolved, “is there a satisfactory way to enlarge the penis?” And the answer to this question is debatable. Most men are so gullible and easily fall prey to claims made by charlatans. It was the same thing with hair loss. Does anyone really believe that female breasts can be augmented by eating a pill or applying a cream or lotion? If you do, then you need to see a psychiatrist as soon as possible. If you do not, then read on.

When it comes to sex, men have two strong delusional beliefs. One is that they have a small penis and the second is that some pill/herb can make the penis bigger. And for those men who fail to get their penis enlarged by these pills or lotions, nirvana can be attained via surgery. Over the years, several surgical procedures have been devised to enlarge the penis.

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