Sunday, June 28, 2009

Men and nose jobs: part 7

Cost of Rhinoplasty

After one is realistic and ready for the surgery, one should select a surgeon based on his skills, reputation and his results. Do not select a surgeon based on the cost. The most expensive is not always the best and vice versa.

Rhinoplasty is an expensive undertaking and is considered a cosmetic procedure; most health plans and Medicare do not cover it. Costs range anywhere from $3,000 - $12,000, depending upon the surgeon and the location. In some cases where the nasal septum is deviated, perforated or one has had a traumatic injury or has difficulty breathing through the nose; part of all of the surgery may be covered by medical insurance.

For the rest of the individuals relying on the medical insurance to pay for the surgery, call the insurance company and be certain that you have proper pre-authorization for your procedure. Find out exactly what will be covered and get it in writing. Medicine is a business (just in case you did know that) and every one wants your money. After consulting with the surgeon, get the total costs which includes the surgeon’s fee, cost of anesthesia, cost of medicines, splints, dressing and other hidden costs (doctors are notorious for these-just like car mechanics).

For those who claim that their rhinoplasty was covered by medical insurance, this is a very rare exception to the rule.

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